Monday, July 13, 2015

New Mexico Airstream

This is one of my favorites photos that I took while we were out in Moriaty, New Mexico checking out a Lazy Daze RV that we had purchased.  This Airstream Camper was parked in the same lot and as usual, the sunny New Mexico weather didn't let me down.  The semi-polished aluminum shell of the Airstream reflects that beautiful sky, giving it a blueish look of it's own.

New Mexico Airstream, Moriaty, New Mexico

I think if, for some reason, I'd ever have to get a pull-behind camper, Airstream would certainly be at the top of my list.  Just like Lazy Daze Class Cs, the craftsmanship is superb and the materials used are top of the line.  Nice!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Camp Canoes

I like taking photos that show a lot of negative space.... empty areas that embrace the main photo subject and creates a unique balance to the overall shot.  It's an area where one could add words to give encourage or to give insight the viewer.

What "words" would you use to post on either of these photos to impart encouragement to the viewer?

                          Which photo would you use to do so?