Monday, July 13, 2015

New Mexico Airstream

This is one of my favorites photos that I took while we were out in Moriaty, New Mexico checking out a Lazy Daze RV that we had purchased.  This Airstream Camper was parked in the same lot and as usual, the sunny New Mexico weather didn't let me down.  The semi-polished aluminum shell of the Airstream reflects that beautiful sky, giving it a blueish look of it's own.

New Mexico Airstream, Moriaty, New Mexico

I think if, for some reason, I'd ever have to get a pull-behind camper, Airstream would certainly be at the top of my list.  Just like Lazy Daze Class Cs, the craftsmanship is superb and the materials used are top of the line.  Nice!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Camp Canoes

I like taking photos that show a lot of negative space.... empty areas that embrace the main photo subject and creates a unique balance to the overall shot.  It's an area where one could add words to give encourage or to give insight the viewer.

What "words" would you use to post on either of these photos to impart encouragement to the viewer?

                          Which photo would you use to do so?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Mohican State Park

Beautiful day for a road trip to Mohican State Park.  The tree colors are pretty much beyond their peak but in the lower levels some wonderful color can be found, such as this one along the river's edge.

Mohican State Park, 10/19/14

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Blue Spigot

I shot this wonderful burst of color while visiting a wolf sanctuary in Pennsylvania.  I enjoy the play of horizontal and vertical lines of the water spigot against the same lines as the mortar and sandstone blocks behind it, as well as the beautiful blast of Process Blue paint that shows the wear of year after year producing water for animals and humans alike.

Blue Spigot at Wolf Santuary

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Drowning of Jack

The cold wind blows its frigid snows
the ice laden limbs all crack
And there in the creek so dark and bleak
smiling at me is Jack
"Hey Ol' Jack" says I, "you're gettin' covered in ice
Why do ya still wear that grin?"
"Don't ya fret" replies Jack, "'cause I will be back,
in October all lit up again!"
Bud Burke 01-02-14

Alum Creek Jack-O-Lantern

Johnny's Tattoo Studio

I was rummaging around in a box of "stuff" and came across this wooden nickel.  I received this wooden nickel from Johnny himself, right after he gave me my first tattoo. That was at his shop in Las Cruces, New Mexico..... 40 years ago.  


I Googled the address and I don't believe that Johnny is still in business.  In fact, there isn't even a Pershing Drive in Las Cruces now.  Guess it just goes to prove that most things change, but tattoos are forever.

Tattoos Are Forever

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hinge Worthy

I'd like to tell you what it is that fascinates me about each of these photos.  Perhaps in doing so, you too will see the beauty in them.

The coloring of this hinge actually does look like this. You can tell by the naked wood grain that there wasn't any manipulation to give the hinge that almost "color negative" look. It is as it is. I like that, of course, but I was also intrigued by the bare wood that copies the shape of the hinge, most likely achieved when someone repositioned it. It gives the hinge an "upper" and a "lower" shadow.

Ah yes. Rust and Weathered wood. A perfect combination for me. Along with that and the deep cast shadow, I was drawn to the straight hard edge to the right of the metal handle and the red framing of the window. There's a lot of horizontal and vertical action going on in this shot.

Again, rust, weathered wood and deep shadowing draws in my attention only this time it is enhanced by the excitement of that little burst of a blue paper bird and flowers that seem to be alive just on the other side of the glass. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Seven Artsy Photos

As most of you know, Barbara and I just returned from a week long vacation in the UP of Michigan. I posted several handful of scenic photos on my Facebook page but kept these photos to share here as I find them a bit more creative. I hope that you enjoy them.

Rusty Nautical Lanterns

Patriotic Pot

Not sure what this is. I am thinking it's some kind of a drag anchor.  ??

Spilt Paint

Sunfish.  Do ya see it??

This is a business' sign. Being an ex-sign man, I love the concept!

A room with a view.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

NEW BLOG-Please Join!

I've started a new blog and would like to invite you and your friends to participate in it. That's right.. YOU can post on MY Blog. As you may know, I have an infinity for what I call "Lost Balls"; balls of all kinds seemingly lying out of their natural environments. 

Here is your chance to photograph any "Lost Ball" that you might encounter and have it posted for all to see and enjoy. All you have to do is follow my "Lost Balls" blog and when you have a photo of your own, email it to me at

Here is the blog link. Use it, share it, and lets all have some fun!!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

It's Been A While

Seems like it's been forever since I picked up my camera and shot anything. I suppose that was one of the positive aspects of the Project 365 that I did last year. Anyway, today was my day off of work, Barbara went to her office to put in a long day, so I grabbed my Canon, jumped in the car and made up my mind to get lost. Well, as lost as one can get in Ohio. I concentrated staying on back roads and only jumped onto a major route when needed, which was often. Below are a few of my better photos from today's road trip. Hope you enjoy them.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Afternoon at Dillon Lake

Barbara and I went over to Dillon State Park this afternoon for a short poke 'n hike trip. We cut through the woods on a trail behind the campgrounds and then dropped onto the shore of the lake. It was windy and cold there, but was very much enjoyable.

On our way out of the woods.

Down on the shore of Dillon Lake.

"LOOK!! A lost ball!" (Focus, Click... Focus, Click... Focus, Click)  "Oh. Wait a second. Never mind. It's a Black Walnut."

I'm not sure, but I "think" these are called "Japanese Mystery Snails". I am still Googling them for positive ID. Regardless, they are the biggest freshwater snails I've ever seen in Ohio!

Just a newly beached Shad. I was just digging all of the contrasts of colors and textures, as usual.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Alum Creek Reservoir Hike

On Monday, while Barbara was at work, I took a short hike along the somewhat muddy but mostly frozen shoreline of Alum Creek Reservoir. You can find some interesting things if you look. Or if you just have weird tastes about what's "interesting".

I found Toby Keith's "Red Solo Cup"!!  :-D

It was soooo sunny, even the beach needed shades.

Beached Towel. Get it? Huh? Do ya?

Ice covered rock that I found interesting.

I like this delicate, frosty feather. The long shadow adds much interest.

Barnacles on an old red brick.

This old tree has been here for quite a number of years. Reminds me of a big sculpture.

On my way back to the car, I found a Lost Ball!  Made my day complete.

Clear Creek Metro Park

On Sunday Barbara and I went down to Logan and bummed around a bit. We stopped at the Clear Creek Metro Park just off of 33 on the way back to Columbus and I snapped a few photos there.

I really like this old weathered rural mailbox. The different colors, the weathering and the rough use it's seen makes for an interesting object. Of course, the rust helps a lot too!  :-)

This old cabin is on private property, so I wasn't able to get close to it or to walk around it so I did the best I could from the road.

Abandoned. I really enjoy the many effects and look of weathered wood.  The piece of broken furniture underneath the window makes this photo just a tad bit more stronger. Speaking of underneath.....

...... what IS that living underneath the cabin?!  LOL Looks like two big evil eyes to me.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Amish Country Pics

Today was a day off from work, so Barbara and I drove over to Berlin, Ohio which is considered the heart of Amish Country. For January 10th, the weather was awesome!  Below are a few of the photos that I took today.

I really like this bright magenta colored wood door surrounded by the rough, earthy colored stones. The deep shadows helped to give this photo some nice dimension. 

Here is an exercise in getting two photos from the same subject. The photo above is a cropped shot of the gate to a farm wagon. The photo below is the same gate, only I moved in and just shot the interesting bolt-latch. For me, both work equally well although I am more partial to the bottom one.

Here is yet another example of the "two-from-one" concept. This time, the subject is the side rails of a hay wagon. Once more, both work well but again, I favor the more tight framed photo at the bottom. The nice blue sky helps this photo a lot!

And of course, one can't go into Amish Country without taking at least one photo of a horse and buggy. Here's mine.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Blackhand Gorge Hike

Today was my day off, so Barbara and I took a ride over to Blackhand Gorge State Nature Preserve for a hike. What a BEAUTIFUL January day! 

Abandoned Train Tunnel

The tunnel for the Ohio Electric Interurban rail system, which was used to travel between Newark and Granville.


Blackhand Gorge was named after a huge black petroglyph that was carved into the side of a sandstone cliff by the Native Americans. It was said that it had one elongated finger which pointed the way to the flint mines and that all Indians passing through the gorge must do so in peace. This is not a photo of the petroglyph. Petroglyphs had meaning, purpose and often times told a story. This is graffiti, today's sad interpretation of a petroglyph.

"Beautiful Litter"

"Sandstone Cliff"

"Barbara's Hike"

"Cliff Dweller"

I found these ferns growing off of the side of a cliff.

"Blackhand Gorge Quarry"